Development • Fortune 100 Company

Focus on Effective Project Management


One of our client companies was losing millions of dollars each year due to project restarts. The client held project kick offs and invited all of the relevant players. Oftentimes, the executive sponsors were too busy to attend. So, the project teams moved forward with their own plan and vision. The challenge came in when the executives decided to join a later meeting and would want to rethink the direction, thus moving backwards in the project completion cycle. This rework was costing the client millions of dollars.


5 Dynamics worked with the company and taught them the 5 Dynamics language. We also shared the 5 Dynamics process model. We helped the executives to understand that they needed to join the meetings during the Explore phase of the project completion cycle and not wait until the teams had moved into Examine or even worse Execute. The organization now uses 5 Dynamics flashcards to indicate what phase of the project completion cycle they are in at any given time.


Just this simple change saved the company millions of dollars. It also provided a framework for running effective projects and it made it safe to discuss project completion cycle stages.